Independent Legal Advice
At Attorney Immigration Limited, our lawyers provide Independent Legal Advice with respect to real estate law matters, family law matters, immigration law matters, and wills and estate law matters.
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Learn more about Independent Legal Advice below
Independent Legal Advice
  • At Attorney Immigration Limited, our lawyers provide Independent Legal Advice with respect to real estate law matters, family law matters, immigration law matters, and wills and estate law matters.
How to get independent legal advice at Attorney Immigration Limited
  • Contact us to arrange a consultation appointment
  • Provide us with the relevant documentation for the meeting
  • Our lawyer will review the documentation(s)
  • The lawyer will provide you with their legal advice
Contact Attorney Immigration Limited if you require independent legal advice and we will do our best to accommodate your schedule.
Why Attorney Immigration Limited?
Our team of legal professionals will aim at your issue with knowledge and precision, and deliver on-point legal representation with integrity, diligence and efficiency.


Our client matters are treated with utmost attention.
Receive timely updates at every step of your matter.


Our clients have trust and confidence that we have their best interests at the forefront of every matter.
We truly understand our client's goals and are dedicated to their advancement.


Our lawyers have extensive knowledge of the law and procedure in respective practice areas.
Depth of experience at providing legal services tailored to meet the unique needs of all our clients.


Our lawyers have a proven record of delivering results, marked by a stream of referred clientele.
We leverage technology and flexible service methods to deliver cost-effective legal services.


Tel: +905011064189


Antakya, Turkey

ATATURK C N 193F, Hatay, Antakya, Turkey